On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:51 PM, David Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After pulling my hair out for the past 24 hours trying to figure out
> the root cause and desperately googling for answers, I finally found
> that calling MyStub._getService().cleanup() appears to fix the leak
> (at least the service can process requests for over an hour where it
> would die within minutes).

Unfortunately, I was mistaken. Calling cleanup() doesn't appear to
help at all, unfortunately I also switched to Axis2 1.4.1 RC1 at the
same time which appears to to have reduced the rate at which the heap
bloats, but eventually, it still suffers the same fate.

However, eventually, the service (running under Tomcat 5.5.26) still
runs out of heap space with the same symptoms - hundreds of thousands
of ConcurrentHashMap objects. These all appear to trace back to the
AxisServlet through this chain:

AxisBindingOperation -> AxisBindingMessage ->ConcurrentHashMap ->
AxisBinding -> AxisBindingOperation -> AxisEndpoint -> HashMap ->
AxisService -> OutInAxisOperation -> HashMap -> AxisConfiguration ->

So what's going on here? I can't imagine that I'm the only one making
Axis2 client calls from a Axis2 web service and running into this
issue - either I'm doing something unique or I'm doing something



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