
Is this some sort of a sample WSDL? It does not look well constructed at
all. You can author this WSDL in a much cleaner fashion. I do not understand
the rational for having 3 portTypes. This could be described using a single
port type (The abstract definition of the service) and 4 bindings.  Bindings
for SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP GET and HTTP POST.


2008/8/1 Zhuang, Guanxia (Robin) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Hi Suriarachchi,
> Thank you very much for your time.
> I try to change the wsdl file, I put each <port> element a <services>. but
> it fail to generate all the skeletons for all <services>. of course I use
> the option �Cap.
> Please help to look at the wsdl file below, the whole version can be found
> at http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx?WSDL
> I think maybe I should create several wsdl file, each file contain one
> <porttype>, one <binding> and one <service> only. Is it that what the axis2
> want?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <wsdl:definitions>
>        <wsdl:types>
>               <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>                      targetNamespace="http://WebXml.com.cn/";>
>                      ......
>               </s:schema>
>        </wsdl:types>
>        <wsdl:message name="getSupportCitySoapIn">
>               <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:getSupportCity" />
>        </wsdl:message>
>               ..........
>        <wsdl:message name="getWeatherbyCityNameProHttpPostOut">
>               <wsdl:part name="Body" element="tns:ArrayOfString" />
>        </wsdl:message>
>        <wsdl:portType name="WeatherWebServiceSoap">
>               ........
>        </wsdl:portType>
>        <wsdl:portType name="WeatherWebServiceHttpGet">
>               .............
>        </wsdl:portType>
>        <wsdl:portType name="WeatherWebServiceHttpPost">
>               ..........
>        </wsdl:portType>
>        <wsdl:binding name="WeatherWebServiceSoap"
>               type="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap">
>               <soap:binding transport="
> http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; />
>               ..........
>        </wsdl:binding>
>        <wsdl:binding name="WeatherWebServiceSoap12"
>               type="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap">
>               <soap12:binding
>                      transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; />
>               .............
>        </wsdl:binding>
>        <wsdl:binding name="WeatherWebServiceHttpGet"
>               type="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpGet">
>               <http:binding verb="GET" />
>               ..............
>        </wsdl:binding>
>        <wsdl:binding name="WeatherWebServiceHttpPost"
>               type="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpPost">
>               <http:binding verb="POST" />
>               .................
>        </wsdl:binding>
>        <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService1">
>               <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceSoap"
>                      binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap">
>                      ...
>        </wsdl:service>
>        <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService2">
>               <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceSoap12"
>                      binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap12">
>                      ...
>        </wsdl:service>
>        <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService3">
>               <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceHttpGet"
>                      binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpGet">
>                      ....
>        </wsdl:service>
>        <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService4">
>               <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceHttpPost"
>                      binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpPost">
>                      ....
>        </wsdl:service>
> </wsdl:definitions>
> Regards
> ---------------
> Guanxia Zhuang (Robin)
> Sycamore Networks (SDC)
> Phone: 021-24050832
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Amila Suriarachchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:54 PM
> *To:* axis-user@ws.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: [axis2] error when generate code using wsdl2java with
> multiple binding
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Zhuang, Guanxia (Robin) <
> i have got a wsdl file from
> http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx?WSDL , and i
> want to generate the sever side code and client code from it. but axis4 1.4
> only generate five methods. it should generate 5 methods for each binding i
> think.
> Axis2 generates the code for one portType (per service). So it generates
> the code for the portType of the port it selects.
> for Axis2 what ever your service should have  one port Type. So if you can
> change the wsdl  to as follows and use -ap option it generates correctly.
> <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService1">
> -
>     -
>     <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceSoap"
> binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap">
> <soap:address location="
> http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx"/>
> </wsdl:port>
> -
>     <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceSoap12"
> binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceSoap12">
> <soap12:address location="
> http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx"/>
> </wsdl:port>
> </wsdl:service>
> <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService2">
> -
>     <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceHttpGet"
> binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpGet">
> <http:address location="
> http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx"/>
> </wsdl:port>
> -
> <wsdl:service name="WeatherWebService3">
> <wsdl:port name="WeatherWebServiceHttpPost"
> binding="tns:WeatherWebServiceHttpPost">
> <http:address location="
> http://www.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWebService.asmx"/>
> </wsdl:port>
> </wsdl:service>
> thanks,
> Amila.
> i try to use axis2 to generate code from other wsdl file with multiple
> binding, but it just generate part of the methods, not all of the methods.
> can anybody try this wsdl, and let me know how to generate the server side
> and the client side code from it? thanks
> Regards
> ---------------
> Guanxia Zhuang (Robin)
> Sycamore Networks (SDC)
> Phone: 021-24050832
> --
> Amila Suriarachchi,
> WSO2 Inc.

Keith Chapman
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.
Oxygenating the Web Service Platform.

blog: http://www.keith-chapman.org

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