thanks a lot for the quick response :)
... the problem is that I work on a complete extranet using web services...

and.. it's really really too big to re-create all the files with axis2
wsdl2java.... too long, too big...

is there another way to make it work ?

with axis 1.4 it was working well, without the "xsi:type" , using adb and
all the stuff.

I just passed from axi 1.4 to axis2  1.4 ... so I would like to not change
the wsdl files..

but if you say it's the only way....
Just want to be sure of that before restarting all the work :( :(

anyway.. thanks :)

2008/8/13 Moez Benmbarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I think the type attributes are due to the use of the WSDL RPC/Encoded
> style in your web service.
> To receive the response you want, you should use a wrapped Document/Literal
> style.
> Look at this tutorial for choosing an appropriate WSDL style :
> Regards,
> Moez BM
> pierre betz wrote:
>> Hi everybody, I have a little .. important question :
>> here is the response i retrieve when I call my web service :
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
>>  <soapenv:Body>
>>  <ns3:SearchVslUserResponse xmlns:ns3="http:/localhost/User/operations/">
>>   <VslUserList xmlns:ns2="http:/localhost/schema/VSLUserTypes" xmlns:xsi="
>> xsi:type="ns2:VslUserListType">
>>      <VslUser xsi:type="ns2:VslUserType">
>>     <UserId>PERSONNE____________0000000774</UserId>
>>    </VslUser>
>>   </VslUserList>
>>  </ns3:SearchVslUserResponse>
>>  </soapenv:Body>
>> </soapenv:Envelope>
>> As you can see, the field <VslUser> as the xsi:type="ns2:VslUserType" in
>> the braket...
>> My question, really simply, is : how can I have just the response like
>> taht : without the xsi:type everywhere ?
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
>>  <soapenv:Body>
>>  <ns3:SearchVslUserResponse xmlns:ns3="http:/localhost/User/operations/">
>>   <VslUserList>
>>      <VslUser>
>>     <UserId>PERSONNE____________0000000774</UserId>
>>    </VslUser>
>>   </VslUserList>
>>  </ns3:SearchVslUserResponse>
>>  </soapenv:Body>
>> ? any ideas ?
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