I have managed to solve this using the toOM method in the MessageReceiverInOut 
generated by the wsdl.

On Wednesday 13 August 2008 03:59:42 pm David Ojeda wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I am using Axis 2 1.4
> On Wednesday 13 August 2008 03:56:38 pm David Ojeda wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've never used the soap header in a WS client or server, but now I need
> > to add a simple true/false element to a soap response.
> > How can I do this?
> > I managed to declare this in the wsdl using soap:header, but there is
> > nothing in the Skeleton that lets me add a header element.
> >
> > Could you please help me?
> >
> > Here is my WSDL:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <wsdl:definitions
> >     name="WSIterautoID"
> >     targetNamespace="http://www.openuri.org/ws/iterauto/WSIterautoID/";
> >     xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
> >     xmlns:tns="http://www.openuri.org/ws/iterauto/WSIterautoID/";
> >     xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> >     xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";
> > xmlns:xsd1="http://www.openuri.org/ws/dummy";>
> >     <wsdl:types>
> >             <xsd:schema
> >                     xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> >                     
> > targetNamespace="http://www.openuri.org/ws/iterauto/WSIterautoID/";>
> >                     <xsd:element name="getIterautoIDResponse">
> >                             <xsd:complexType>
> >                                     <xsd:sequence>
> >                                             <xsd:element
> >                                                     name="iterautoID"
> >                                                     type="xsd:string">
> >                                             </xsd:element>
> >                                     </xsd:sequence>
> >                             </xsd:complexType>
> >                     </xsd:element>
> >                     <xsd:complexType name="WSIterautoIDException">
> >                             <xsd:sequence>
> >                                     <xsd:element
> >                                             name="code"
> >                                             type="xsd:string">
> >                                     </xsd:element>
> >                                     <xsd:element
> >                                             name="msg"
> >                                             type="xsd:string">
> >                                     </xsd:element>
> >                                     <xsd:element
> >                                             name="trace"
> >                                             type="xsd:string">
> >                                     </xsd:element>
> >                                     <xsd:element
> >                                             name="from"
> >                                             type="xsd:string">
> >                                     </xsd:element>
> >                             </xsd:sequence>
> >                     </xsd:complexType>
> >                     <xsd:element
> >                             name="getIterautoIDFault"
> >                             type="tns:WSIterautoIDException">
> >                     </xsd:element>
> >
> >                     <xsd:element
> >                             name="hasMoreElementsHeader"
> >                             type="xsd:boolean">
> >                     </xsd:element>
> >             </xsd:schema>
> >             <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>
> >                     <xsd:import
> >                             namespace="http://www.openuri.org/ws/dummy";
> >                             schemaLocation="../xsd/DummyInput.xsd">
> >                     </xsd:import></xsd:schema></wsdl:types>
> >     <wsdl:message name="getIterautoIDRequest">
> >             <wsdl:part
> >                     name="input" element="xsd1:EmptyRequest">
> >             </wsdl:part></wsdl:message>
> >     <wsdl:message name="getIterautoIDResponse">
> >             <wsdl:part
> >                     name="id" element="tns:getIterautoIDResponse">
> >             </wsdl:part>
> >     </wsdl:message>
> >     <wsdl:message name="IterautoIDFault">
> >             <wsdl:part
> >                     name="fault" element="tns:getIterautoIDFault">
> >             </wsdl:part>
> >     </wsdl:message>
> >     <wsdl:message name="hasMoreElementsHeader">
> >             <wsdl:part
> >                     name="hasMoreElementsHeader" 
> > element="tns:hasMoreElementsHeader">
> >             </wsdl:part>
> >     </wsdl:message>
> >     <wsdl:portType name="WSIterautoID">
> >             <wsdl:operation name="getIterautoID">
> >                     <wsdl:input 
> > message="tns:getIterautoIDRequest"></wsdl:input>
> >                     <wsdl:output 
> > message="tns:getIterautoIDResponse"></wsdl:output>
> >                     <wsdl:fault
> >                             name="WSIterautoIDException"
> >                             message="tns:IterautoIDFault">
> >                     </wsdl:fault>
> >             </wsdl:operation>
> >     </wsdl:portType>
> >     <wsdl:binding
> >             name="WSIterautoIDSOAP"
> >             type="tns:WSIterautoID">
> >             <soap:binding
> >                     style="document"
> >                     transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; />
> >             <wsdl:operation name="getIterautoID">
> >                     <soap:operation
> >
> > soapAction="http://www.openuri.org/ws/iterauto/WSIterautoID/getIterautoID
> >" /> <wsdl:input>
> >                             <soap:body use="literal" />
> >                     </wsdl:input>
> >                     <wsdl:output>
> >                             <soap:header use="literal" 
> > part="hasMoreElementsHeader"
> > message="tns:hasMoreElementsHeader"/>
> >                             <soap:body use="literal" />
> >                     </wsdl:output>
> >                     <wsdl:fault name="WSIterautoIDException">
> >                             <soap:fault
> >                                     name="WSIterautoIDException"
> >                                     use="literal"/>
> >                     </wsdl:fault>
> >             </wsdl:operation>
> >     </wsdl:binding>
> >     <wsdl:service name="WSIterautoID">
> >             <wsdl:port
> >                     name="WSIterautoID"
> >                     binding="tns:WSIterautoIDSOAP">
> >                     <soap:address
> >                             
> > location="";
> > /> </wsdl:port>
> >     </wsdl:service>
> > </wsdl:definitions>

Ing. David Ojeda
Integra Consultores
Caracas, Venezuela

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