Cool, I was about to ask you to do this.


Florian Astl wrote:
> i've solved it by myself.
> public InvocationResponse invoke(MessageContext ctx)
> throws AxisFault {
>       if(ctx.isEngaged("mymodulename")) {
>               return this.processMessage(ctx);
>       } 
>       return InvocationResponse.CONTINUE; 
> }
> in my Handler avoids execution of the module if not engaged (servicegroup).
> and  
> ctx.getAxisService().getParameter("myModuleParameter").getValue().toString(); 
> lets me read parameters from my services.xml and configure the module for 
> each service
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:00:56 +0200
>> Von: "Florian Astl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> An:
>> Betreff: Custom module in serviceGroup
>> Hi all, 
>> In the services.xml of my (axis2 1.2)webservice i have defined a
>> servicegroup with two services. one named myserviceDefault and one named
>> myserviceSecure. They're both using the same webservice-implementation. 
>> for the second service i've enabled rampart(1.2) with usernametoken and
>> timestamp. the result is that i now can access the first service
>> (myserviceDefault ) without security header and the second service 
>> (myserviceSecure)
>> only with usernametoken & timestamp in the soap-message - just as i expected.
>> i now have developed my own simple module which checks the ip-addess in
>> the incomming soap-message and denies access to the serviceoperation if
>> necessary.
>> The inflow order phase in the module.xml is set to <order
>> phase="Security"/>
>> When i enable this module in the second service (myserviceSecure) the
>> first service is affected too. Axis-Administration is saying that my module 
>> is
>> only engaged for myserviceSecure but when trying to access the first
>> service the ip-address of the soap-message is evaluated by the module.
>> Another thing is that I can't figure out how to configure the module
>> separately for each service.
>> In final stage I want two files containing ip-addresses. one for the
>> module in the first service and one for the module in the second service.
>> thanks four your help, 
>> Florian
>> -- 
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