
I did a bit more research on this question.

The first SOAP engine, IBM's SOAP4J used the "multiRef" local name.
IBM contributed this project to Apache, and it became Apache SOAP.
Axis is a follow-on project to Apache SOAP. Although it is a complete
rewrite with a different architecture, it maintained the use of the
"multiRef" local name. Other SOAP engines do not necessarily use the
same local name. I found this posting that indicates that .NET uses a
more descriptive local name for the referenced element (in this case,


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SOAP encoding processors look for a local name "multiRef", so if you
> used "bananas" instead, the SOAP processor might not be able to
> process the message.
> When using use="literal", the message must conform exactly to the
> schema that described the message. If you insert an unexpected
> element, or you change an element's QName, you'll receive an
> "unexpected element" message or something similar.
> When using use="encoded", the message must contain semantically
> equivalent information, but the syntax does not necessarily correspond
> exactly to the schema. SOAP encoding uses a data model rather than the
> schema to serialize and deserialize the message. SOAP encoding was
> designed to enable the efficient serialization of object graphs. For
> example, if you have an element value that appears more than once in
> the message, SOAP encoding will replace the element with a multiRef.
> Anne
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Simon Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> Thanks for your response. I have poured through the specification many times
>> now. I think it is the name of the accessor "multiRef" that confused me.
>> However, I think I now understand but if you could confirm this I would be
>> grateful.
>> My understanding is now that the name multi-reference accessor is
>> irrelevant, it is the type that is important?
>> So whilst Axis might generate:
>> <multiRef id="id1" soapenc:root="0"
>> soapenv:encodingStyle="";
>>             xsi:type="xsd:int"
>>             xmlns:soapenc="";>
>>             2
>> </multiRef>
>> It would also be perfectly legal to change the accessor name to, say,
>> "bananas" and generate
>> <bananas id="id1" soapenc:root="0"
>> soapenv:encodingStyle="";
>>             xsi:type="xsd:int"
>>             xmlns:soapenc="";>
>>             2
>> </bananas>
>> Obviously, I wouldn't do that but, theoretically, is that legal?
>> Do I understand correctly now?
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> The use of multiple references is defined in "The rules for
>>> serialization" in Section 5.1 [1] of the SOAP 1.1 spec:
>>> The rules for serialization are as follows:
>>>   1. All values are represented as element content. A multi-reference
>>> value MUST be represented as the content of an independent element. A
>>> single-reference value SHOULD not be (but MAY be).
>>>   2. For each element containing a value, the type of the value MUST
>>> be represented by at least one of the following conditions: (a) the
>>> containing element instance contains an xsi:type attribute, (b) the
>>> containing element instance is itself contained within an element
>>> containing a (possibly defaulted) SOAP-ENC:arrayType attribute or (c)
>>> or the name of the element bears a definite relation to the type, that
>>> type then determinable from a schema.
>>>   3. A simple value is represented as character data, that is,
>>> without any subelements. Every simple value must have a type that is
>>> either listed in the XML Schemas Specification, part 2 [11] or whose
>>> source type is listed therein (see also section 5.2).
>>>   4. A Compound Value is encoded as a sequence of elements, each
>>> accessor represented by an embedded element whose name corresponds to
>>> the name of the accessor. Accessors whose names are local to their
>>> containing types have unqualified element names; all others have
>>> qualified names (see also section 5.4).
>>>   5. A multi-reference simple or compound value is encoded as an
>>> independent element containing a local, unqualified attribute named
>>> "id" and of type "ID" per the XML Specification [7]. Each accessor to
>>> this value is an empty element having a local, unqualified attribute
>>> named "href" and of type "uri-reference" per the XML Schema
>>> Specification [11], with a "href" attribute value of a URI fragment
>>> identifier referencing the corresponding independent element.
>>>   6. Strings and byte arrays are represented as multi-reference
>>> simple types, but special rules allow them to be represented
>>> efficiently for common cases (see also section 5.2.1 and 5.2.3). An
>>> accessor to a string or byte-array value MAY have an attribute named
>>> "id" and of type "ID" per the XML Specification [7]. If so, all other
>>> accessors to the same value are encoded as empty elements having a
>>> local, unqualified attribute named "href" and of type "uri-reference"
>>> per the XML Schema Specification [11], with a "href" attribute value
>>> of a URI fragment identifier referencing the single element containing
>>> the value.
>>>   7. It is permissible to encode several references to a value as
>>> though these were references to several distinct values, but only when
>>> from context it is known that the meaning of the XML instance is
>>> unaltered.
>>>   8. Arrays are compound values (see also section 5.4.2). SOAP arrays
>>> are defined as having a type of "SOAP-ENC:Array" or a type derived
>>> there from.
>>> [1]
>>> Anne
>>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Simon Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I had an issue on a project recently with Apache Axis sending Multi
>>> > Reference values to a JWSDP 1.1 Web Service. The problem was solved by
>>> > advising the client to turn off multiRefs in Axis. (I know RPC/Encoded
>>> > is
>>> > deprecated but this is legacy tech).
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, this incident got me curious and investigating what these
>>> > "multirefs" were. I can see from reading the SOAP 1.1 spec that they
>>> > fall
>>> > under the (now deprecated) Section 5 Encoding.
>>> >
>>> > However, one thing still puzzles me when Googling on this subject and
>>> > that
>>> > is the existence of a "multiRef" element in SOAP responses - I believe
>>> > they
>>> > would be referred to as "property accessors"? Are these purely an Apache
>>> > Axis invention (I certainly can't find any trace of them in the SOAP
>>> > spec)
>>> > and, if so, why (given that they are not in the SOAP specification)?
>>> >
>>> > If somebody could explain this in detail I would very grateful as I am
>>> > the
>>> > type of guy that can't rest until I fully understand something. :-)
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance,
>>> >
>>> > Si
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