
If you use Maven to build your application, you can use the maven- assembly-plugin with the built-in jar-with-dependencies descriptor to achieve this:




On 4 sept. 08, at 11:14, Michael Sonntag wrote:

Hello everyone!

I'm developing an Axis2/Java client that should be deployed via Java
Web Start. As Axis has got a lot of dependencies to third party libs,
I'd like to put all of the required jars into a single file, so that
the client just needs to download that "axis2-client-libs.jar" instead
of all the 10-15 packages.

I tried the naive way and put all of them into a new jar (via ant's
jar-task), but it seems that those jars inside the wrapping jar cannot
be found by the client. Is there any other solution to this? Maybe one
could repack all of the classes from the different jars to a new jar?
Would that be allowed if all of the license file would also be
included in the newly created jar?

Thanks for any hints!

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