 I managed to isolate the problem. The problem vanishes when Rampart module
is not engaged in axis2.xml. I can get the <![CDATA[ ]]> intact. 

However, when I engage the rampart module, the CDATA tag  is removed.

I have used Rampart 1.4 , example 04.

The steps to reproduce is shown below.

1. Download Rampart 1.4 from
2. Extract it to d:\
3. Ensure AXIS2_HOME is set to Axis2 1.4. Mine is d:\axis2-1.4. Ensure
ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME is set.
4. Open a command prompt. 

prompt> cd D:\rampart-1.4\samples\ 
-------------The above step will copy the rampart jars to AXIS2_HOME

prompt> cd D:\rampart-1.4\samples\basic
prompt> ant service.04

5. Edit
Add the imports.

import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.OMTextImpl;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;

In getPayload(), replace  



OMTextImpl omText = (OMTextImpl)

Save the file.

5. Open another DOS prompt.
prompt>  cd D:\rampart-1.4\samples\basic
prompt> ant client.04

Observe the SOAP request using TCP Monitor. 

          <ns1:echo xmlns:ns1="http://sample04.samples.rampart.apache.org";>
                    <param0>Hello world</param0>

The CDATA tag is not present.

6. Edit D:\rampart-1.4\samples\basic\sample04\client.axis2.xml. Remove the
line  <module ref="rampart" /> and save the file. 

7. Repeat the step 5 and observe the SOAPBody in TCP Monitor.

           <param0><![CDATA[Hello world]]></param0>

The CDATA tag is intact.

Please advice.

Vinay Cardoza

Vinay Cardoza wrote:
> Hi Saliya,
>  I have also tried Axis 1.4.1 and 1.4. The CDATA is always escaped. If you
> can point where is the Axis2 snapshot is located, then I will try that.
> Regards,
> Vinay Cardoza
> Saliya Ekanayake wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tested this using Axis2 nightly build but couldn't recreate your issue.
>> I
>> mean, it works fine. If you can please try with Axis2 Snapshot.
>> Thanks,
>> Saliya
>> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 9:03 PM, Vinay Cardoza
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    I am trying to send a SOAP request using Apache Axis 1.3. An element
>>> in
>>> the SOAP body requires the text to be wrapped in CDATA element.
>>> The code snippet is as follows:
>>> String stringToBeWrapped = "A'B'C'D";
>>> OMElement elementWhichNeedsCData = ....;
>>> TextImpl omText = (TextImpl)
>>> bodyElement.getOMFactory().createOMText(stringToBeWrapped);
>>> omText.setType(XMLStreamConstants.CDATA);
>>> elementWhichNeedsCData.addChild(omText);
>>> The code compiles without any problems. However the SOAP request is as
>>> follows:
>>> <soapenv:Body
>>> xmlns:wsu="
>>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd
>>> "
>>> wsu:Id="Id-17777129">
>>>    <s1:EdiCustomsDeclaration
>>> xmlns:s1="http://www.examples.com/schemas/custom/edi/v1";>
>>>                &lt;![CDATA[A'B'C'D]]&gt;
>>>    </s1:EdiCustomsDeclaration>
>>> </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>>> The CDATA text element has &gt; and &lt; escape characters.
>>> When I print the omText value, I can see the CDATA construct intact. But
>>> the
>>> SOAP message shows something else.
>>> How do I prevent escape characters from appearing in the CDATA
>>> construct?
>>> Please help.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vinay Cardoza
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Problem-with-CDATA-tags-in-SOAP-message.-tp19534836p19534836.html
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>> -- 
>> Saliya Ekanayake
>> http://www.esaliya.blogspot.com
>> http://www.esaliya.wordpress.com

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