We have an Axis 1 web service that uses RPC-Soap1 style.
1-) We want to access to  this web service using an Axis2 Client.
- Can we do this?

2-) When I generate WSDL using Java2WSDL.bat over the Axis1 webservice, the WDL 
has Soap12 encoding. 
How can I override this?
Is there a parameter to specify that Java2WSDL should generate the WSDL in 

Many thanks

Tezcan Dilshener 
Satz Software & Consulting GmbH

HVB Information Services GmbH
Member of UniCredit Group 
HII3ES Development Services Client Server 
Am Tucherpark 12 
D-80538 München 

Tel: +49 89 378-26378 

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at: http://www.hvbis.com/is/de/pub/441.htm
Die gesetzlichen Pflichtangaben zur HVB Information Services GmbH finden Sie 
unter: http://www.hvbis.com/is/de/pub/441.htm

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