Hi All;

I have been trying to generate an aar file and deploy it within my war 
file.Everthing deploys well and when I use the axis2 web interface I can see my 
service. But when I send a request from .NET Wweb Service Studio:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the 
target of an invocation. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The 
ServiceClass object does not implement the required method in the following 
form: OMElement call(OMElement e)

But my service class object is exactly the same..Before sending my  wsdl file 
and aar I have a few questions

1-while creating my aar should I put the used libraries in a folder called lib 
2- when I try to create my aar with Eclipse Axis Archiver Plugin but I can not 
load my class ..So can this a sign that there something wrong
3-My axis2 container is 1.3 verison and I write my services using 1.4.1 libs. 
Can this cause a problem.

I can send more information if you are interested.

Yours and thanks 

 Ibrahim DEMIR
CyberSoft Yazilim Muh.


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