Right, there will be a lot of jars. Actually, your web application will end up 
like what makes axis2.war eventually. 
you may remove all those admin related stuff from "your" app. Start with those 
made axis2.war, use all its directory structure and build your own app and 
"embed" axis2 inside.



> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:38:14 -0700
> Subject: [Axis2]Help! How to create a SOAP service using Axis2 in my own 
> webapp?
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hi all,=0A=0A=0AJust sent this but in rich text format, so this is it again=
> . My apology.=0A=0AI'm a newbie on using Axis2. After reading through most =
> of=A0the documents on this site,=0AI=A0still couldn't find the answer I nee=
> d. I'd really apreciate it=A0if someone can help me on this.=0A=0AAll Axis2=
>  documents I read=A0on this site=A0are to build new web services/client usi=
> ng Axis2.=0ACurrently I have already a=A0big=A0web app=A0 in use and I need=
>  to add a SOAP service to=0Amy web app using Axis2. Is that doable?=A0 If y=
> es, what are the steps to make that happen?=0A=0AIs it possible to=A0copy=
> =A0axis2.war into my servlet container (Resin) (both 'axis2' and 'myWebapp'=
>  directories under webapps directory)=A0, create a SOAP service in the=A0ax=
> is2 app and then=A0forward the request (by deinfing the 'ServiceClass'=A0pa=
> rameter in services.xml?)=A0 to my own web app to=A0handle some complicated=
>  database processes? It seems to me=A0it's not doable.=A0=A0Please don't la=
> ugh at me=A0if this question is too sily. =0A=0AIf the previous approach is=
>  not possible. The only other apprach I can think of is to embed Axis2=A0in=
>  my=0Aown webapp. In that case, do I need to copy all the needed Axis2 jar =
> files to my=A0own web app =0Ain=A0WEB-INF/lib directory? If so, what are th=
> e needed jar files for a SOAP service? =0ABasically=A0the SOAP service is=
> =A0receive data from my client, save it=A0to database and respond to client=
>  with the results.=A0There are many jar files in Axis2.=A0I just hope=A0to=
> =A0skip=A0some=A0unnecessary=A0Axis2 jar files to avoid overhead since my=
> =A0own web app already=A0is very big.=0A=0ABesides the Axis2 jar files, wha=
> t else=A0needs to be done=A0to embed a SOAP service in my own web app?=0A=
> =0AI'd really really appreciate it if someone gives me some guidance or she=
> d some lights on this.=0AHope to hear from you soon.=0A=0Athank you very mu=
> ch,=0A=0A-tian=0A=0A=0A      
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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