I ran into this problem too using Flex.  Here's what I did to solve it:

I created a class which extends ApplicationXMLFormatter and overrode the writeTo method. In that method, I reset the name of the "return" element to be the class name. Here's my change with a little context:

           if (omElement != null) {
* for (Iterator children = omElement.getChildElements(); children.hasNext(); ) {
                   OMElement child = (OMElement)children.next();
                   String returnType = null;
for (Iterator it = child.getAllAttributes(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                       OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute)it.next();
                       if ("type".equals(attr.getLocalName())) {
                           returnType = attr.getAttributeValue();
                           int dot = returnType.lastIndexOf('.');
                           if (dot > 0)
                               returnType = returnType.substring(dot+1);
if (returnType != null) child.setLocalName(returnType);
               try {
                   if (preserve) {
                       omElement.serialize(outputStream, format);
                   } else {
                       omElement.serializeAndConsume(outputStream, format);
               } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                   throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);

Then I added this to my axis2.xml since I only want to do this for Flex:

       <messageFormatter contentType="application/flex-xml"

I have configured the dynamic response module described at http://wso2.org/forum/thread/2883 in my services.xml. So now when I do something like this:


I get something like this:

<ns:getFeaturedBlogEntriesResponse xmlns:ns="http://service.webservice.api.company.com";>
 <*BlogEntryList* type="com.company.api.webservice.BlogEntryList">
   <blogEntries type="com.company.api.webservice.BlogEntry">
     <body>test blog entry</body>
     <creationDate>Sep 3, 2008 4:19 PM PDT</creationDate>

I hope this helps someone else.
Kimberly Nicholls

Chris Hyzer wrote:
Im using Axis2 (latest) and all defaults for inputs to Java2WSDL. I have a simple service, and each operation has a "return" element in it. e.g.
<xs:element name="addMemberSimpleResponse">



<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns:WsAddMemberResult"/>




This means the XML that comes back looks like this:

  <ns:addMemberSimpleResponse xmlns:ns="http://webservices.whatever/xsd";>

    <ns:return type="whatever.webservices.WsAddMemberResult">

<ns:resultCode xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:nil="true" />

I have someone connecting to the web service using flash or flex, and there is an XML -> object converter, which converts the XML into a hierarchy of objects and fields. But since "return" is a keyword, it barfs. So, I was wondering if there is a way (besides hand-editing the WSDL or using XSLT) to customize java2wsdl to get that element to be generated as "the_return" or something else besides "return". Thanks!
Here is the email from the user: Notice that the element name on line two of the response is named "return" (forget about the "ns" namespace for now). This is perfectly legal XML but "return" is a reserved word in most languages and attempts to access the element directly cause problems when compiling the code. e.g.
var test : XML = XML("<top><body>hello world</body><return>good bye</return></top>"); // casts string to xml
debugit.text = test.body;
debugit.text = test.child( "return" );
All of the above code works fine.  Notice that I access the "body"
element directly but accessed the "return" element using a child method. The compiler complains if I attempt to use the syntax "test.return" or any variation of it: "test.return.toString()". Naming an element "return" is valid; I'm suggesting that it is probably not good practice to use common reserve words as element names (or attribute names for that matter).
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