I would like to know if there is a document or if someone can tell me their 
experience with backwards compatible web services:

Here is a use case.

I make a class with web service methods.
I call java2wsdl, then wsdl2java
I launch this, and people make clients, and use them.
Then I add a field to an input and output.
All existing clients should still work, and should not fail when not sending 
the new input, and should see the new output field (somehow they need to pass 
their version string in to the server).  all new clients should be able to send 
their new field, and they would see the new output field.

A couple of options:

1. Make two beans, two wsdls.  Not exactly convenient since wont I need a copy 
of the bean which does the service in a different package or something?  Or if 
the field is in Java, but not the wsdl, will it handle it?
2. Deploy the service twice, with two different URLs.  This is ok, though 
doesnt scale exactly well, for each tweak in an existing service we need a 
whole new webapp...

What I would really like is several different wsdls (old and new), but hooked 
up to the same beans.  Then somehow in the code say "if client version is less 
than 1.4, then dont send this field)", with an annotation or something... 

How do people handle one webapp with multiple version clients?



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