On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 12:17, Chinmoy Chakraborty <cch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Andreas,
> I am stuck with the attachments. I have sent many mails in this forum
> mentioning the issue regarding creation of SOAPMessage with attachments from
> Inputstream but no one replied me back.
> Previously you have mentioned that asix saaj api has been moved to gerenimo.
> Could you please send me the url from where I can get the geronimo SNAPSHOT
> jar?

The SAAJ API version used by Axis2 can be found at [1]. Note that
there are currently no snapshots, because as an API it is not under
active development (it is just the translation into Java code of a
specification, so it's fairly static).


> Could you send me the email-id of the developer who is working on axis-saaj
> implementation by which I can contact him directly. I am really really stuck
> here with my latest project. This is urgent for me. Please help.

I think that the SAAJ implementation is the work of several people. It
has been around for some time, so I don't know exactly who is the most
familiar with the code. You may have a look at [2] to see who worked
on it. The corresponding email addresses can be found at [3].

[3] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/team-list.html

> Chinmoy
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Andreas Veithen <andreas.veit...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Chinmoy,
>> I walked through the axis2-saaj code and indeed when creating a
>> message from an input stream using MessageFactory, axis2-saaj doesn't
>> even request the attachments from Axiom. However, I'm not familiar
>> enough with the code to be able to fix this myself.
>> Maybe somebody else can help here?
>> Andreas
>> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 13:05, Chinmoy Chakraborty <cch...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Andreas,
>> >
>> > Please find attached attachment.xml which I am using as inputstream to
>> > create SOAPMessage. The MIME boundary in my previous code snippet may
>> > differ
>> > since it is generated at runtime but this is the file generated by
>> > another
>> > system. I am also sending you the code that generates the attached file.
>> >
>> > SOAPMessage soapMsg = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
>> >           //setting the namespace declaration.
>> >           SOAPPart sp = soapMsg.getSOAPPart();
>> >           SOAPEnvelope se = sp.getEnvelope();
>> >           se.addNamespaceDeclaration("lw",
>> > "http://www.abc.com/xml/soap/";);
>> >           soapMsg.setProperty(soapMsg.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
>> >           soapMsg.setProperty(soapMsg.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, "true");
>> >           //setting the soap header.
>> >           SOAPHeader soapHeader = soapMsg.getSOAPHeader();
>> >           //setting the session id
>> >           SOAPElement soapHeaderElement1 =
>> > soapHeader.addChildElement("session", "lw",
>> > "http://www.abc.com/xml/soap/";);
>> >
>> > soapHeaderElement1.addTextNode("8e0b383911e3942c87fda0be8ae1879b");
>> >           //setting the transactionId
>> >           SOAPElement soapHeaderElement2 =
>> > soapHeader.addChildElement("transactionId", "lw",
>> > "http://www.abc.com/xml/soap/";);
>> >           soapHeaderElement2.addTextNode(String.valueOf("2"));
>> >           //setting the serverId
>> >           SOAPElement soapHeaderElement3 =
>> > soapHeader.addChildElement("serverId", "lw",
>> > "http://www.abc.com/xml/soap/";);
>> >
>> >
>> > soapHeaderElement3.addTextNode(String.valueOf(""));
>> >           SOAPBody soapBody = soapMsg.getSOAPBody();
>> >           SOAPElement callElement = soapBody.addChildElement("call",
>> > "lw",
>> > "http://www.abc.com/xml/soap/";);
>> >           SOAPElement msgObjectId =
>> > callElement.addChildElement("objectId");
>> >           msgObjectId.addTextNode("system");
>> >           SOAPElement msgMethod = callElement.addChildElement("method");
>> >           msgMethod.addTextNode("setRetVal");
>> >           SOAPElement paramElement =
>> > callElement.addChildElement("param");
>> >           SOAPElement valueElement =
>> > paramElement.addChildElement("value");
>> >           valueElement.addTextNode("attachment.txt");
>> >           DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new
>> > FileDataSource("C:\\Documents
>> > and Settings\\lab\\Desktop\\car.txt"));
>> >           AttachmentPart ap = soapMsg.createAttachmentPart();
>> >           ap.setContentId("attachment.txt");
>> >           ap.setContent(dh.getContent(), dh.getContentType());
>> >           soapMsg.addAttachmentPart(ap);
>> >
>> >          OutputStream out = null;
>> >     try {
>> >       out = socket.getOutputStream();
>> >       out.write(0x02);
>> >       soapMsg.writeTo(out);
>> >       out.write(0x03);
>> >       out.flush();
>> >     } catch (Exception e) {
>> >       getLog().error("Exception sending the soap " + e, e);
>> >     } finally {
>> >       //   if (out == null) out.close();
>> >     }
>> >
>> >
>> > Chinmoy
>> >
>> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Andreas Veithen
>> > <andreas.veit...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Chinmoy,
>> >>
>> >> Can you also attach a sample message that you try to read with this
>> >> code?
>> >>
>> >> Andreas
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 06:23, Chinmoy Chakraborty <cch...@gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Andreas,
>> >> >
>> >> > Here is my code snippet.
>> >> >
>> >> > String contentType = multipart/related;
>> >> >  boundary=MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_D988AB74BC9802BDC21229577126047;
>> >> >  type="text/xml";
>> >> >  start="<0.urn:uuid:d988ab74bc9802bdc21229577126...@apache.org>"
>> >> >
>> >> > MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
>> >> > mimeHeaders.addHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
>> >> > // Create the SOAP Message using mimeHeader and inputStream
>> >> > MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
>> >> > SOAPMessage soapMsg = mf.createMessage(mimeHeaders, in);
>> >> >
>> >> > The inputstream is a SOAPMessage with attachments. Now the newly
>> >> > created
>> >> > soapMsg in above code snippet does not contain any attachment parts.
>> >> >
>> >> > I am trying to get attachment parts in the following code snippet:
>> >> >
>> >> > List attachments = new ArrayList()
>> >> > if (soapMsg.countAttachments() > 0) {
>> >> >         Iterator itr = soapMsg.getAttachments();
>> >> >         while (itr.hasNext()) {
>> >> >           AttachmentPart att = (AttachmentPart) itr.next();
>> >> >           DataHandler dh = att.getDataHandler();
>> >> >           attachments.add(dh);
>> >> >         }
>> >> >       }
>> >> >
>> >> > The attachment list is always empty. I am using following jars:
>> >> >
>> >> > axiom-api-SNAPSHOT.jar (modified on 16th Dec, 2008)
>> >> > axiom-dom-SNAPSHOT.jar (modified on 16th Dec, 2008)
>> >> > axiom-impl-SNAPSHOT.jar (modified on 16th Dec, 2008)
>> >> > axis2-saaj-SNAPSHOT.jar (modified on 12th Dec, 2008)
>> >> > axis2-saaj-api-1.4.jar (modified on 4th April, 2008)
>> >> >
>> >> > Chinmoy
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Andreas Veithen
>> >> > <andreas.veit...@gmail.com>
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Chinmoy,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Can you post the code that demonstrates the problem?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Andreas
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 13:40, Chinmoy Chakraborty
>> >> >> <cch...@gmail.com>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > Hi All,
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > I am creating SOAPMessage from inputstream. The inputstream is
>> >> >> > SOAP
>> >> >> > with
>> >> >> > attachments. But the attachmentParts becomes zero in the newly
>> >> >> > created
>> >> >> > SOAPMessage though the content type is "multipart/related".
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Why it is not created attachments when I am creating SOAP from
>> >> >> > inputstream
>> >> >> > (with attachments)? I am using axiom-api-SNAPSHOT.jar,
>> >> >> > axiom-dom-SNAPSHOT.jar, axiom-impl-SNAPSHOT.jar.(Axis2 1.4.1)
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Chinmoy
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >
>> >

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