On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Amila Suriarachchi
<amilasuriarach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you try with the axis2 snapshot and sandesha2 snapshot. Try using
> different INTERNAL_KEY s rather than the SEQUENCE_KEY
I've just tried the snapshots and I don't think there's any difference.
The server side keeps sending TerminateSequence messages, as if it is
ignoring the TerminateSequence from the client.
Or maybe the server side sees the CreateSequence messages from the
next sequence and somehow it decides it needs to terminate
the first one itself?

> thanks,
> Amila.
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Andrei Ivanov <andrei.iva...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to add WS-RM to my services and clients, but I'm having
>> some problems.
>> I followed the user guide and when I tried to do some testing, I
>> noticed some exceptions being thrown.
>> I've generated a client stub(PersonalDataServiceStub) from the
>> services WSDL and I've added these lines to the end
>> of the constructor(PersonalDataServiceStub(ConfigurationContext
>> configurationContext, String targetEndpoint, boolean
>> useSeparateListener)):
>> final String sequenceKey = SandeshaUtil.getUUID();
>> clientOptions.setProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.SEQUENCE_KEY,
>> sequenceKey);
>> clientOptions.setProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.LAST_MESSAGE,
>> Constants.VALUE_TRUE);
>> Then, in the test class I created 2 instances of the stub and called
>> some methods:
>> ConfigurationContext configContext =
>> ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(CLIENT_REPO_PATH,
>> axis2_xml);
>> PersonalDataServiceStub stub = new
>> PersonalDataServiceStub(configurationContext, targetEndpoint, true);
>> // param was initialized
>> stub.getPersonalData(param);
>> stub = new PersonalDataServiceStub(configurationContext, targetEndpoint,
>> true);
>> stub.getFamilyTree(request);
>> I'm setting the sequenceKey myself because I want to use 2 separate
>> sequences for the calls, but something goes wrong.
>> I used tcpmon to see what it was doing:
>> Client:
>> 1. CreateSequence
>> 2. invoke getPersonalData
>> 3. CreateSequence (for the 2nd call)
>> 4. TerminateSequence (for the 1st call)
>> 5. invoke getFamilyTree
>> 6. TerminateSequence (for the 2nd call)
>> Server:
>> 1. CreateSequenceResponse
>> 2. result for getPersonalData
>> 3. CreateSequenceResponse
>> 4. TerminateSequence (why is the server trying to end the 1st sequence
>> itself?)
>> 5. result for getFamilyTree
>> 6. Fault, the action
>> "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm/TerminateSequence"; cannot be
>> processed at the receiver (probably for the 1st TerminateSequence from
>> the client)
>> 7. SequenceFault, the 1st sequence is already terminated... probably
>> at step 4 the server terminated it
>> 8. TerminateSequence, for the 2nd sequence
>> Am I doing something wrong? or maybe it is a bug in sandesha? remember
>> that I want to use a different sequence for each operation.
>> If you need additional data, please tell me.
>> Thanks
> --
> Amila Suriarachchi
> WSO2 Inc.
> blog: http://amilachinthaka.blogspot.com/

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