I'm having problems controlling my ServiceName.  This is important since
I'm trying to migrate Axis1 to Axis2 and need to preserve the service
name to minimize the impact on the SOAP clients.  I set the WebService
name attribute in the service class to "Address", the class name of the
service is "AddressService" and the service name attribute in the
services.xml file to "Address".  What Axis appears to be doing it
setting the Service name to ClassName + "Service".  Why can't I control
the service name from the class @WebService attribute name value?


package book.sample;


import javax.jws.WebService;


@WebService (name = "Address")

public class AddressService {


    public Address getAddress(String name) {


        Address address = new Address();


        address.setNumber("Number 15");

        return address;



Content of the services.xml file

    <service name="Address">

        <parameter name="ServiceClass"




Service EPR : http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/AddressServiceService

Service Description : Address

Service Status : Active
Available Operations

*       getAddress



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