Dear community;
I have found the solution to the problem below.
It is that  my Microsoft WCF Client must allow for cookies . Up on a initial 
call ,  via a HTTP transport ,  the client signals that it can accept cookies . 
In turn, the axis2 httptransport will issue a set cookie command with its first 
reply . After that the client will send this cookie, which is JSESSION=" .... 
uuid ...." string toward the axis2 server. Since I have enabled this by the 
following code in my WCF client transport binding ,  
        HttpTransportBindingElement httpTransportBE = new 
        httpTransportBE.AllowCookies = true;
the JSESSION cookie is exchanged with each  consecutieve request to the axis2 
For sure - I did never expect that multi session capability of axis2 was 
a) receiving a ServiceGroupId      up on a frist reply and send it with each 
consecutive request
b) receiving a JSESSION cookie up on a first reply and send it with each 
consecutive request
This is a real surprise for me. 
Now my WCF clients work perfect with  the axis2 server, 
and exchanging large junks of nested collections of named value pairs of 
strings as soap xml documents is well done.

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