hi Asmita,

please define a method likes:

public String myWebServiceMethod(String, String, String) {

and publish it from your the service.

After that, please look at the wsdl in the URL (?wsdl) once again.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Attharkar, Asmita" <aatth...@telcordia.com>
To: <axis-user@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: Document/Literal - Handwritten wsdl? Method signature OMELement?

| Hi Guo,
| My problem is not about which approach I should follow.
| The question is when I using the document/literal can I have a method whose 
signature is String myWebServiceMethod(String, String,
| If not, and I need to use the method OMElement myWebServiceMethod(OMElement) 
and I need to publish my wsdl how can I tell the web
service users that my web service needs those three String values and it will 
return a response that has String.
| If I need to edit wsdl manually, how do I do it?
| Thanks,
| Asmita
| ________________________________________
| From: Guo Tianchong [gu...@nec-as.nec.com.cn]
| Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:50 PM
| To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
| Subject: Re: Document/Literal - Handwritten wsdl? Method signature OMELement?
| hi Asmita,
| Your senario seems :
| 1. write java code
| 2. java2wsdl
| 3. publish your wsdl generated by step2.
| Is it right?
| I met the same confusion ago.
| I also created my service by axiom databinding ago.
| The generated wsdl in the URL (?wsdl) is xs:anytype and return type is also 
| It seems that Axis2 will identify OMElement as Object.
| and it is xs:anytype in URL (?wsdl).
| I'm still not know how to resolve the problem.
| but how about the following?
| 1. write wsdl
| 2. wsdl2java
| 3. publish your wsdl generated by step1.
| Guo.
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: Attharkar, Asmita<mailto:aatth...@telcordia.com>
| To: axis-user@ws.apache.org<mailto:axis-user@ws.apache.org>
| Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 6:37 AM
| Subject: Document/Literal - Handwritten wsdl? Method signature OMELement?
| Hi,
| I need to use Document/Literal style in my web service.
| My web service needs few (say three) strings from client. The Web service 
needs to send a String back to the client.
| I am looking at web service method signature now.
| Is it true that the only option I have when using document/literal  my method 
will look something like this? OMElement
myWebService (OMElement requestElement).
| I can add the three parameters needed by the web service to the 
requestElement as its child elements.
| The problem now is the wsdl.
| When I see the generated wsdl in the URL (?wsdl) I see that xs:anytype is the 
only parameter taken into the webservice and return
type is also xs:anytype.
| How will my web service client know what exactly are those three parameters 
and what should be their names and what should he be
seeing in the return type.
| I checked few forum entries and it says that I need to handwrite my wsdl? Is 
it true?
| Is there a way that I can automatically generate the wsdl which indicates all 
the parameters needed by my webservice as well as
the return String.?
| Is there a way that I am implementing RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver but my 
method signature can have the distinct three parameters as
separate method arguments?
| If not how will I publish my wsdl which explains the parameters and return 
type String to the outside world.
| This one is very urgent. My code is ready but now I need to publish my wsdl 
for the world.
| I am using ant script to generate the wsdl but I get the error:
| java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: 
org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOnlyMessageReceiver cannot be cast to
| Thanks,
| Asmita
| ________________________________
| (Tel) 732-699-4657 | 4B566 | Telcordia Technologies | Piscataway NJ 08854

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