
<< Do you folks have any suggestions?

I see the following error when I try to build Java from a simple WSDL.

    An error occurred while completing process
     - java.lang.reflect.Invocation TargetException

It occured while working through a simple example from Tong's book.
I also tried version 1.3 of the plug-in as Tong suggested as well as the
1.4 version.

I notice that even the 1.4* versions of the file contain, the directory,

<< Is that expected?

As a note, I have followed the directions in the following reference, and
that only caused the problem to occur earlier in the process.

I am working with Eclipse 3.4 and AXIS2 v. 1.4.1

Zip File Source:,

Best regards,

Scott Vigil

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