
Can anyone please tell me what to change in my existing installation of Axis 
1.6 in order for it to write the proper host name instead of the generic 
localhost:8080 in the WSDL that it generates?

I am developing a public web service, and I want people to be able to get the 
latest WSDL dynamically by accessing the URL of my service's WSDL as 
http://host_name/path/service_name?wsdl where host_name is the real server name 
(and port) of my server rather than localhost:8080

Currently the solution that I am using is to get the WSDL, edit it to replace 
"localhost:8080" with my host name, save it in a public folder, and advertise 
that file as being the location for my web app's WSDL. The downside of this 
solution is that the advertised WSDL can often fall out of sync with the latest 
edition of the web app deployed.

I was unable to find an answer to this question anywhere on the Internet.

Note that I am using Axis 1.6


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