
Thanks for the replay, but still a little lost ;). My main question I guess
is where should I extract these attributes? I feel that this should be taken
care of before the service invocation, correct? Tried getting the message
context in my callback handler, but it was null.
 Should I create a new module for this? Is it possible to write my own
Attributecallback and say to rampart use this?

2009/4/6 Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com>

> //Construct RahasData from MessageContext
> http://ws.apache.org/rampart/apidocs/org/apache/rahas/RahasData.html

> //get a default handle
> SAMLCallbackHandler handler = config.getCallbackHander();

Where is config coming from?

> //then construct SAML AttributeCallback to retrieve the RahasData contents
> http://ws.apache.org/rampart/apidocs/org/apache/rahas/impl/util/SAMLAttributeCallback.html
>                SAMLAttributeCallback cb = new SAMLAttributeCallback(data);
>                SAMLCallbackHandler handler = config.getCallbackHander();
>                handler.handle(cb);
>                attrs = cb.getAttributes();
> en annen svare ?

fra norden?

cheers, håkon

> Martin
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> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 17:06:59 +0200
> Subject: Extracting attribute values from SAML token in rampart sample 05
> From: hakon.sageh...@bccs.uib.no
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org; rampart-...@ws.apache.org
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if it's possible to extract the values inside a SAML token.
> I looked at sample 05 and wanted to list out the values of the attribute
> statement, I tried this in the password call back handler
> Element el = pwcb.getCustomToken();
> But just got null. What I'm  trying to achieve is not just validate that
> the attributes signed by the sts but also see what attributes the client can
> give the possessing.
> How can this be done??
> cheers, håkon
> --
> Håkon Sagehaug, Scientific Programmer
> Parallab, Bergen Center for Computational Science (BCCS)
> UNIFOB AS (University of Bergen Research Company)
> _________________________________________________________________
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Håkon Sagehaug, Scientific Programmer
Parallab, Bergen Center for Computational Science (BCCS)
UNIFOB AS (University of Bergen Research Company)

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