how you have exposed web services with your axis2 servlet based web app if
you don't use aar files.


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Greg Stasica <>wrote:

> hi,
> I've a web application which exposes its WS using Axis2 servlet. Now I need
> to provide some security for my web services and the first thing which comes
> to my mind is Rampart module WS-Security. The poroblem (at least this is how
> I see it) is that Rampart module can be used only when it has been enabled
> for a system e.i. any application which want to make any use of it
> (WS-Security) has to be bundled in Axis2 AAR file and deployed on AXIS2
> server. That said, my application can't use Rampart module as it's a regular
> servlet. How could I have WS-Security enabled for my application ? Does it
> mean that I would need to implement my WS from the scr atch and deploy it as
> a separate application on AXIS2 server ?

Amila Suriarachchi
WSO2 Inc.

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