
Need help with SOAP/JMS implementation with AXIS2.

My scenario is as below I just wanted to ensure I am putting right information 
in my documents before confirming preferred framework for problem in hand. 

The component I am developing need to provide access to non tibco client to the 
services deployed on Tibco ESB. Reference Architecture of the client mandates 
that all service acess should be through SOAP/JMS and only presentation 
services should use SOAP/HTTP. Hence I think I will be using just a Axis2 
client to send messages using SOAP/JMS transport as below.

1) WSDL will be provided for the service that is deployed on ESB
2) Generate AXIS2 client to use this WSDL and create stubs. 
3) I will expose a custom java interface for all non tibco client to access any 
service on the ESB. 
4) This custom java interface will delegate the call to generated axis2 client 
to send request using transport SOAP/JMS. 
5) I am not sure of Axis2's SOAP/JMS implementation if it is synchronous or 
asynchronous or both (configurable)? I would think it should be transperant to 
client hence synchronous. 
6) If it is asynchronous, do I need to develop a listener (MDB) in my 
application to receive response or again AXIS2 supports through some sort of 
JMSReceiver and I just configure for that particular service? 
7) With respect to other requirements of security, encryption, message signing 
etc. I am assuming filter chain and modules will do the trick? Am I correct to 
assume this. 

1) Do I need to do any configuration for queues or topic to be used? or this is 
taken care by the WSDL and generated stubs. 
2) Is Axis2's SOAP/JMS implementation synchronous or asynchronous?
3) If Asynchronous do I have to develop custom components (MDB) to receive 
4) Other requirements like security, encryption, message signing etc. will be 
possible to implement using modules and filter chain. 

Any help is appreciated. If you can point to similar implementation (other JMS 
provider) it will be really helpful. 



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