On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:25 AM, sarcott <sarc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried this approach of making copies of the ApplicationContextHolder for
> every .AAR file and left the spring.jar and axis2-spring-1.4.1.jar in
> WEB-INF. I am still having the application context problem. The only way I
> was able to make the multiple aar files work was by moving the jar files in
> to the individual aar files.
> Has anyone had success with mutilple applicationContextHolder? The
> spring.jar is 2.81 mb and we will be duplicating it in all the .aar files .
> Is there any other way to avoid this and still have the applicationContext
> work.
> thanks,
> Sarcott

Please read the manual carefully - when you say "The only way I
was able to make the multiple aar files work was by moving the jar files in
to the individual aar files" , that's the only way it can work. It
doesn't make sense - and its not supported - to have a completely
separate spring instance in each aar by using the same jar copy of
spring in WEB-INF. So yes, you do need multiple copies of the spring
jar in each war - that's the price you need to pay for it to work.
BTW, you may not need the full 2.8 mb spring jar - they ship smaller
jars supporting each feature set - ymmv.

Best regards,

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