

We have a WSDL centric solution and therefor uses wsd2java to generate the 
server side skeletons

(and client code to test our solution). The actual real clients are using a 
variety of differnt WS implementations (gSOAP etc)


A long time (big) problem is that the generated code does not honor the order 
of the WSDL tags defined in the WSDL file. 

But since we "own" the server interface, the clients have simply made sure that 
the tags are sent in the order that the Axis2 server

expects them.


Now to my last finding:

I accidently noticed that wsdl2java generates source code that expects the 
order of the tags *differently* if I run wsd2ljava with a Sun JRE 1.5 or a Sun 
JRE 1.6

Actually when using 1.6 the code generated validates the tags in a more correct 
way (e.g. closer to the WSDL defintion)


I'm actually a bit surprised over my finding and perhaps there is some simple 
explanation. I realize that differences in java seralization can be involved.




Using WinXP, Axis2 1.3







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