hi greg-

can you post or attach the wsdl (and xsd)

Martin Gainty 
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Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 18:31:29 +0100
Subject: Re: Passing parameters from a calling client to registered request     
handler- can I use headers for this purpose?
From: gstas...@googlemail.com
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

thanks for your reply but I still see  some problems

1) if I understand correctly WSDDHandler API let me set parameters 
declaratively in server-config.wsdd or client-config.wsdd files. Unfortunately 
I don't know what my parameters' values should be during deployment, there is 
some business logic involved in calculating my parameters hence the values for 
my parameters are available only as a runtime values. Perhaps I could create my 
own implementation of this class but I suspect that I'd have to do a lot of 
changes to AXIS engine itself in order to use it. What's more I would have to 
further customize my generated stubs in order to pass my parameters' values to 
a new handler. All I want to do is pass some parameter along with it's value 
from a stub to some registered axis handler. And what's your opinion about 
putting additional header's to my soap envelope (e.g ... myParam=log2 )? Is it 
safe and more importantly could it break server implementation of the 
WebService ?  (e.g. incorrect SOAP envelope e.t.c)

2) I like the idea with optional parameter as an array but again I'm only a 
client of some WS. As such, WSDL file I got is pretty closed (I can't do any 
changes to it as it would probably cause problems on the server side).

I've already read Axis Architecture Guide but couldn't find any solution to my 

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:

allows you to conceptualise the use of Handlers for communicating from your 
client to service and bacl

if you want to store the information DB is always your safest and most reliable 

concerning optional params take a look at this example which defined 
stringElement as optional with minOccurs="0"

  <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfString">
      <xsd:restriction base="soap-enc:Array">
          <xsd:element name="stringElement" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 



where parameters can be read collectively via getParametersTable (into 
or individually via getParameter

getParameter(java.lang.String name)

          Get the value of one of our parameters


          Returns the config parameters as a hashtable (lockable)
Martin Gainty 
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Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 15:20:45 +0100
Subject: Passing parameters from a calling client to registered request         
handler- can I use headers for this purpose?
From: gstas...@googlemail.com

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org


Are there any good patterns on how to pass parameters from a client to request 
handlers? Can I use for this purpose headers ? I thought about putting some 
additional header with call specific parameters I would read in my registered 
request handler but I'm not sure what impact will it (additional headers) have 
on the actual WebService (will it recognize such request as a valid XML 

My original problem is that once I do a call to the WS I need to log SOAP 
message (as a text) in some location (this location is per call specific so I 
can't use one folder). I use request handler registered in my 
client-config.wsdd file and it works fine but recognizing location. Probably I 
could use for this purpose database with three columns: 1) OperationName, 2) 
ServiceName, 3) location or even static class with some hashmap. The problems I 
see here are that in the first case my logger will slow down WS calls 
significantly as it will have to go to database and in case of static class.. 
they're always a problem while testing. 

I'd appreciate any suggestion how could I improve this.

Axis 1.4
Greg Stasica

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