Getting a header like this.
If im not mistaking, there is a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.setHeader(sometype foo) too.

import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

MessageContext inMsgCtx = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext();
httpServReq = (HttpServletRequest)inMsgCtx.getProperty("transport.http.servletRequest"); httpServResp = (HttpServletResponse)inMsgCtx.getProperty("transport.http.servletResponse");
vHost = httpServReq.getHeader("Host");

Greetings, Joek Hondius

mieke schreef:
I tried the following with out success too

            Hashtable headerTbl = (Hashtable)

            if (headerTbl == null) {
                headerTbl = new Hashtable();
            headerTbl.put("TEST_HEADER", "TEST_VALUE");

mieke wrote:
I have an old axis2 client with generated stubs that is now required to
pass some additional information in the HTTP Header.  I attempted to
modify the generated stub by adding the following logic to one of the

Hashtable headerTbl = (Hashtable)
            if (headerTbl == null) {
                headerTbl = new Hashtable();
            headerTbl.put("TEST_NAME", "TEST_VALUE");

This did not work.  Could someone please outline (with an example if
possible) how to add data to the header.



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