How does this plug-in fit in a normal development work flow?

I'm using it to create a service from a wsdl file that is provided by
a vendor, and I think I have it creating the sources correctly, but
the default behavior is to generate the classes into the target
directory (specifically target/generated-sources/axis2/wsdl2code/src).

One of the generated classes is the skeleton for the service, so if I
change it and run maven clean package to build a new war
gets deleted. :-)

If I copy that class to my src/main/java directory, then I get a
"[INFO] Compilation failure" message because I have a duplicate class.

I think for now, I'll just use the ant tasks to delete the generated
version. That seems a bit wonky...but it'll do it.

Can someone who is using this help me figure out a way to fit it into
my work flow?


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