
I think that Axis2 relies on some Tomcat libraries for clustering
support. Have a look at axis2.xml and try to disable clustering.


On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:09, Martin Fernau<> wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone provide me a simple description how to get axis2 to run in an
> embedded jetty6 Server?
> Until now I'm unable to get it to work.
> What I currently have is the following:
> --- cut
>                Server server = new Server(8080);
>                ServletHolder axisServletholder = new ServletHolder(new 
> AxisServlet());
>                ServletHolder axisAdminServletholder = new ServletHolder(new
> AxisAdminServlet());
>                Context root = new Context(server, "/", Context.SESSIONS);
>                // set Path to exploded axis2.war
>                FileResource basePath = new FileResource(new 
> URL("file:/tests/webapps")); //
> Without these axis complain about missing axis2.xml
>                root.setBaseResource(basePath);
>                root.addServlet(axisServletholder, "/servlet/AxisServlet");
>                root.addServlet(axisServletholder, "/services/*");
>                root.addServlet(axisServletholder, "*.jws");
>                root.addServlet(axisAdminServletholder, 
> "/servlet/AdminServlet");
>                server.start();
> --- cut
> But this just throw me some "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/catalina/tribes/ChannelException" messages. It seems that axis2
> needs tomcat libraries?
> Anyone with helpful comments or code snipsets which get axis2 to work under an
> embedded jetty?
> Thanks a lot,
> Martin

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