
I'm not sure offhand how to make the server certificate authentication work
in that situation, but I believe Axis2 is using the Commons HttpClient by
default, and that appears to offer a way of using your own socket factory

Below is the exception :

SSL HANDSHAKE FAILURE:  A signer with SubjectDN "CN=ecs.amazonaws.com,
O=Amazon.com Inc., L=Seattle, ST=Washington, C=US" was sent from target
host:port "null:null".  The signer may need to be added to local trust
store "C:/Program
located in SSL configuration alias "NodeDefaultSSLSettings" loaded from
SSL configuration file "security.xml".  The extended error message from
the SSL handshake exception is: "PKIX path building failed:
java.security.cert.CertPathBuilderException: invalid certificate, key
identifier is missing from authority key identifier extension".


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