Hey Danny,

that's really good info - I was not able to run client code on the Sun J2ME successfully. Only with the Jalimo I mentioned. I know also PocketJava and Sprint's Titan are Windows Mobile based and the latter utilizes OSGi containers. I am running all this on top of Linux for the Nokia N800 device.

If you are successful on your end running server-side stack onto the mobile device can you please let us know?
That would be super.

Take care

Danny García Hernández wrote:
Hi, i 'am running Axis2 client into Windows Mobile using J9 JVM and all is working perfect (MTOM included).

I don´t have maked any test with server stack into mobile device but you are saying appear very interesting.

Can (oe want) you explain any more?


Demetris escribió:

Hey Adam,

at least hosting services on mobile devices I think the reason is because mobile devices are still considered 'client' portals to services rather than servers. I am working on peer-to-peer architectures connecting services across mobile devices and that's where my server issue comes from ;)

   Certainly stay in touch and let me know what else you find your end.


Adam Elnagger wrote:
Hey Demetris,
Thanks for the response. Though it is not the response I was hoping for, it does answer my question. I wonder why there seems to be so little support for reliable web services in the mobile industry. Regardless, this is key
information to have.

Thanks for your time!
Adam Elnagger

-----Original Message-----
From: Demetris [mailto:demet...@ece.neu.edu] Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:30 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: Axis 2 Client on Mobile Devices

Hey Adam,

so what I have found out is that primarily the stacks of Axis/Axis2 or CXF are not geared towards the mobile device industry (under J2ME that is) either on the client or on the server side. I was able to build efficient SOAP-based WS clients using the kSOAP2 API, however, using the Jalimo (GNU classpath for Linux Java that is pretty close to J2SE) I was able to run Axis and Axis2 as clients and as servers (bundles in OSGi containers). The problem I ran into when I was running these as servers was that the XML parsers used by Jalimo (which is a similar issue I had with J2ME) are not compatible with whatever WSDL or SOAP messages the client side was generating. Please keep me posted of any other findings you may have - I have a few more myself that had the same fate as the ones above so I figured it makes no sense to repeat them here.

Good luck

D G wrote:
I have been pleading for help on this for months man and I didn't even get back a hello. Hopefully you will have better luck. Once I get to a laptop I will send you what I found so far.


On Sep 2, 2009, at 11:28 AM, "Adam Elnagger" <aelnag...@lampreynetworks.com> wrote:


Is there any support/testing for building and running Axis 2 clients on Mobile devices running Android, Windows Mobile, or Symbian? I am researching using web service stacks on mobile devices which support in particular WS-ReliableMessaging and MTOM.


Adam Elnagger

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