See [1] for the latest status.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:26, Mauro Molinari<> wrote:
> Hello all!
> Trying to do a WSDL2Java (from Axis2 1.5) to generate the client code from a
> WSDL that uses SOAP Encoding, I get the following error:
> org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException: can not find type
> {}Array from the parent schema
> <name of the parent schema>
> Browsing the mailing list I find a message from Anne Thomas Manes sent on
> 2008-05-21 stating that this error is caused by a reference to an undefined
> type (soapenc:Array) and can be solved by importing the soapenc namespace.
> However, Anne confirms that SOAP encoding is not supported by Axis2.
> On the other hand, on 2007-12-24 Amila Suriarachchi wrote here that he
> "added SOAP encoded support to ADB" and that "now people can use soap
> encoding with the Axis2 as well".
> Today is 2009-09-07 and it's not clear yet:
> - whether Axis2 does support RPC encoded WSDLs or not
> - how well it does (meaning: is it just experimental code?)
> So, are any news on this subject?
> --
> Mauro Molinari
> Software Designer & Developer
> E-mail:

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