Try this link [1].



2009/9/9 Håkon Sagehaug <>

> hi
> I'm my mtom service i've got a schema element thta looks like this
> <xsd:complexType name="AttachmentType">
>         <xsd:sequence>
>             <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="FileName"
>                     type="xsd:string" />
>             <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="BinaryData"
>                 type="xmime:base64Binary" />
>         </xsd:sequence>
>     </xsd:complexType>
> This element is the ont containing the reference to the mtom attachement
> And if you use tcpmon you should be able to see if the response is MTOM
> style
> cheers, Håkon
> 2009/9/9 ghader <>
>>  I have created a test web service using Axis2/java. I created it to test
>> sending binary file using mtom. I also created a C++ client using gsoap to
>> test the web service(this is of no relevance to my problem). The client is
>> able to successfully receive the sent file from the server side, but I
>> really don't know whether the file is sent using mtom or not. I just know
>> that the file is sent in base64binary format by the server. The code of the
>> method on the server which sends file is as the following:
>> public DataHandler loadData2()
>>     {
>>         FileDataSource dataSrc = new FileDataSource("C:\\");
>>         DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSrc);
>>         return dataHandler;
>>     }
>> I also don't know what item in a wsdl file tells about existance of a mtom
>> attachment in the response message.
> --
> Håkon Sagehaug, Scientific Programmer
> Parallab, Bergen Center for Computational Science (BCCS)
> UNIFOB AS (University of Bergen Research Company)

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