Our remote repository (load from URL), does not fully support all the
features we have with local repository. I think this is one of that,
better thing is to create a JIRA so that someone will fix it when he
gets a time (if I get a time I will fix it).

> Does anyone have any input on this issue?  It seems like it only occurs
> during the loadServiceFromURL.
> This seems to be a major issue as the deployment acts differently depending
> on the deployment mechanism.
> karlovitz wrote:
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance in this matter.  I am currently using
>> the remote repository option in Axis2.  Everything is working great except
>> when I try to load AAR services with import in the wsdl:
>>   <wsdl:types>
>>     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>
>>      <xsd:import namespace="http://ns.mycompany.com/XXX";
>> schemaLocation="Message.xsd">
>>      </xsd:import>
>>              <xsd:import namespace="http://ns.mycompany.com/XXX";
>> schemaLocation="Linkage.xsd">
>>      </xsd:import>
>>     </xsd:schema>
>>   </wsdl:types>
>> When Axis tries to load these services it looks in the local directory for
>> the xsd's instead of the META-INF directory in the AAR.  When I load the
>> AAR via the admin client everything works fine.  
>> Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!


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