The two requests are NOT the same. In the first request, the <sql>
element has a namespace, while in the second one it does not. It is
normal that Axis2 rejects one of them. Which of the two request is the
correct one depends on the WSDL/Schema, more specifically on the
setting for elementFormDefault.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 08:29, Paul Fremantle <> wrote:
> Sriram
> You don't need to have the ns prefix. As long as the XML is properly formed, 
> you can use either style.
> Paul
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 7:12 AM, sri ram <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As  I see in Axis 2 doesn't support a format of SOAP messages which doesn't 
>> have namespace prefix.As shown below the request doesn't work ,however when 
>> substituted bya namespace prefix it does work well.
>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope encodingStyle=""; 
>> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="";>
>>                 <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>                                 <executeSQLQuery 
>> xmlns=>
>>                                                 <sql>select * from 
>> typeproduct</sql>
>>                                 </executeSQLQuery>
>>                 </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>>  (axis 2) expects the request message  to have namespace prefix in the 
>> request .
>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope encodingStyle=""; 
>> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="";>
>>                 <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>                                 <ns:executeSQLQuery xmlns:ns 
>> ="";>
>>                                                 <sql>select * from 
>> typeproduct</sql>
>>                                 </ns:executeSQLQuery>
>>                 </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>> Is there a way to  make the axis 2 framework to allow and process the other 
>> format of request ie withoute the namespace prefix.
>> Is this (namespace prefix )  a standard followed by all the SOAPEngines and 
>> Parsers.
>> Can some one throw some light on it.
>> Please  reply back soon.
>> If this kind of question is already addressed can you guys  please give link 
>> to the corresponding mail.
>> Thanks ,
>> Sriram
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> --
> Paul Fremantle
> Co-Founder and CTO, WSO2
> Apache Synapse PMC Chair
> OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair
> blog:
> "Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

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