I got my web services working using I believe an 'old school' (java 1.4?) 
method of building the services (java2wsdl etc)

Now the boss decided we should use the more lightweight 1.6 WsGen method.

 I added in the standard cheesy main that allows the 1.6 jvm to run as a 
lightweight server.  I ran  WsGen on the service
which made some class files in the jaxws subdirectory.  All good.

Here's an except of the service:

@WebServicepublic class Snapshot {    private static final Logger log = 
Logger.getLogger(Snapshot.class);    public Snapshot() {    }    @WebMethod    
public String retrieveSurvey(String surveyTypeName, String surveyVersionName) 
{        return (String) serviceWrapper(new SurveyFetcher(surveyTypeName, 
surveyVersionName));    }    @WebMethod    public LoadResult 
submitSurvey(SurveyAnswers surveyAnswers) {        return (LoadResult) 
serviceWrapper(new SurveyChecker(surveyAnswers));    }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:9090/snapshot";, new Snapshot());

When I run the main from the IDE.  It sits there and listens to port 9090.  I 
expect to be able to browse to http://localhost:9090/snapshot?wsdl and see a 
Instead, I get the following in all cases:

<Exception>org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The service cannot be found for the 
endpoint reference (EPR) /services/    at 
 at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:334)    at 
org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:251)    at 
org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(AxisEngine.java:160)    at 
 at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPWorker.service(HTTPWorker.java:246)    
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)</Exception>I don't know why it is 
referring to /services.  The 'Hello World' test program I ran didn't.

I don't believe the web service is loaded properly.  I have no idea why not. I 
have tried lots of combinations of things.  Nothing makes
a difference.  Here's an except of the logs showing the web service container's 
fixation with /services

2009-10-06 16:56:35,608 DEBUG [HttpListener-9090-1] 
(DefaultConnectionListener.java:81) - Incoming HTTP connection from 
/ 16:56:35,624 DEBUG [HttpListener-9090-1] 
(DefaultConnectionListener.java:78) - Waiting for incoming HTTP 
connection2009-10-06 16:56:35,624 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(HttpServiceProcessor.java:78) - New connection thread2009-10-06 16:56:35,639 
DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpService.java:135) - Remote address of 
the connection : 16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:139) - >> GET /services/ HTTP/1.12009-10-06 
16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - 
>> Host: localhost:90902009-10-06 16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - >> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; 
Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.32009-10-06 
16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - 
>> Accept: 
16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - 
>> Accept-Language: en-us2009-10-06 16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - >> Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate2009-10-06 
16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - 
>> Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.72009-10-06 16:56:35,639 DEBUG 
[HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - >> Keep-Alive: 
3002009-10-06 16:56:35,639 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(AxisHttpConnectionImpl.java:141) - >> Connection: keep-alive2009-10-06 
16:56:35,655 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (AxisHttpService.java:243) - Request 
method: GET2009-10-06 16:56:35,655 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(AxisHttpService.java:244) - Target URI: /services/2009-10-06 16:56:35,655 
DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] (BuilderUtil.java:365) - Input contentType 
(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)2009-10-06 16:56:35,655 DEBUG 
[HttpConnection-9090-1] (BuilderUtil.java:381) - CharSetEncoding defaulted 
(UTF-8)2009-10-06 16:56:35,655 DEBUG [HttpConnection-9090-1] 
(RequestURIBasedServiceDispatcher.java:50) - [MessageContext: 
logID=urn:uuid:CEFF3F714B8C44A6EB1254862595665] Checking for Service using 
target endpoint address : /services/2009-10-06 16:56:35,655 DEBUG 
[HttpConnection-9090-1] (Utils.java:201) - 
parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation : [/services/][/services]

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

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