
I am doing some experiments with axis2 for university. I think I am very confused now about the "best practices" in developing an axis2 webservice.

I understand the point in contract-first scenario. Sure I want to have full control over my exposed wsdl and no "1 character changed, every user needs to update whole clientcode".

Now the situation is: I have a fully running java+hibernate "console" backend application and want to expose some of its methods as a webservice. The application is only a "code library" and the methods need to be executed. I am thinking of writing a "Webservice layer". One class that includes all methods my webservice should have. This methods should call my existing backend code.


import backend.Calculator;

public class NewWebService {
       public int webMethod1 (int a, int b) {
                  Calculator calc = new Calculator();
return calc.multiply(a,b);

       public int webMethod2...

I wanted to generate a wsdl with all methods and then generating server code by wsdl2java.
My application needs to export about 150 methods to web.

To test this I used an existing wsdl from my provider. I already wrote a PHP soap client for this wsdl. It was very handy and no problem at all to use this.


When I am trying to generate servercode with wsdl2java for this wsdl it generates about 35 megabytes and thousands of complicated files. I think that is not what I want to use if I plan to release my webservice within the next 30 years.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I thought exposing a set of methods of existing code is not very uncommon.

Many Thanks,


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