> I have a WS service which is not a Axis WS  based service but it's
> some java based  service exposed which has it's own soap compiler.This
> smiler service have deployed and run  in multiple machines.I should
> write a common client to invoke the service in  a vendor independent
> way.My Question are
Well whole idea of Web service is to have a vendor independent way of
accessing the service, for example in order to invoke a Web service what
we need is to have the WSDL.
> 1. How do i implement it as a dynamic invocation using a common client.
You can generate the stub for the client, and then dynamically you can
change the EPR and invoke the service. Since all the services have the
same API one client should be able to talk to all.

> I found this url following url,are there any articles which shows more
> elaboration?
> http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_4_1/jaxws-guide.html#JAXWSIntro
> /BR
> Kanchana

Thank you!


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