can you display both the XSD and the WSDL?

Martin Gainty 
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:26:52 -0400
Subject: Any workaround?

Hi all,
I've gotten back to looking at upgrading to Axis2 after a long hiatus.  Feel 
free to tell me if I've done something stupid.
 I tried running 
sh $AXIS2_HOME/bin/ -uri wsdl/our_wsdl.wsdl -o gensrc -ss -sd

using first Axis2 1.4.1 and then 1.5.1.  our_wsdl.wsdl is the file I 
successfully used with Axis 1.4 the last time I worked with the services on our 
Both times, wsdl2java generated source files but one problem.  
The generated code wouldn't compile
                 if (reader.isStartElement())

                }  // End of if for expected property start element
and the problem is that OMElement.Factory doesn't exist.
The matching part in the wsdl looks like 
<xsd:complexType name="cadmType">
     <xsd:element ref="cadm:DOC_APP_CALDT" minOccurs="0"/>
     <xsd:element ref="cadm:ARCH_ID" minOccurs="0"/>

I can make the compilation problem disappear by commenting out DOC_APP_CALDT 
which is defined as
   <xsd:element name="DOC_APP_CALDT" type="ddms:CombinedDateType"/>
<simpleType name="CombinedDateType">
<union memberTypes="dateTime date gYearMonth gYear"/>
So ... am I doing something obviously wrong?  does this mean that I can't use 
the default binding?  Is there a workaround? Since it's only 1 file, I wouldn't 
mind manually fixing the code if I knew what was supposed to go there.

Thanks for any help.
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