Currently we use Axis 1.4 for our application and via the server_config.wsdd 
file (provider="java:<classname>") and extending and we intercept all messages and do our 
own routing.

Obviously things are different in Axis2; but, from all the reading I've done 
it's not clear if we can do equivalent processing via a messageReceiver or via 
a Handler? We don't do any processing on the SOAP messages now, but get the 
method name, etc. from the MessageContext to invoke our method via reflection.  
If it's done via a Handler in Axis2 how do we specify the phase settings in 
axis2.xml to specify the last Handler and does this have to be done via a 
Module?  (Part of my confusion comes from not finding an explanation of what 
RMPhase is.)  Again, if it's via a Handler (as this thread suggests:, I'm confused by what we would 
return from the Handler invoke method; that is, SUSPEND, ABORT, or CONTINUE 
don't seem to specify what we need to achieve, which would be more along the 
lines of DONE.

Thanks for any help available,


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