It turns out JAXB is actually treating the whitespace as part of the name, just like ADB (and JiBX, at present). The funny part is JAXB actually reports an error if the name contains any invalid non-whitespace characters.

I'll point out this problem on the JAXB list.

 - Dennis

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
Ellecer Valencia wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion Dennis. I have also used it to generate
client code via CXF (which defaults to JAXB), and didn't fail on
generation of code as well.

JAXB may be stripping off the whitespace. That's what I initially assumed should be done, but from looking at the schema recommendation I don't think that's correct.

  Haven't looked at xmlbeans or jibx yet.

Hmm. Perhaps I should get this fixed in JiBX, then. :-P

 - Dennis

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