Hi All,

I am using Axis2 1.3 and jdk 1.5 and tomcat 6

The WSDL file generated by Axis sets  the element "nillable=true", but i want 
to set "nillable=false"...

Exemple : 

<xs:complexType name="DonneesEntreeRechercherClientWS">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="avecContratsAffaire" type="xs:boolean"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="referenceClient" nillable="true" 

Is there any way I can get the 'nillable' property to true or false in a 
declarative fashion..

I try with the annotation @XmlElement(nillable = false, required=true) but it 
doesn't work :(

Thanks a lot,

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