Hi thilina,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I achieved my goal.
    Thanks a lot.

2009/11/18 Thilina Mahesh Buddhika <thilin...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jonah,
> This is possible with "useReqSigCert" option. You can specify the
> encryption user as given below so that the corresponding public cert. of the
> private cert which was used for signing the request is used to encrypt the
> message.
> <rampart:encryptionUser>useReqSigCert</rampart:encryptionUser>
> Thanks.
> /thilina
> E-Mail         : thilin...@gmail.com
> I blog here : http://thilinamb.com
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:54 PM, jonah <liu.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,Prabath
>>    thanks for your reply -:)
>>    I tested sample03 successfuly under tomcat-6.0.20.
>>    I am encountering a new problem that if there are many service client
>> with it's own cer file,how to config server side rampart policy?By reading
>> rampart config,it seems that client alias must be defined in rampart
>> config.But client alias must be unique in server.jks,If I has to cliet alias
>> named client1,client2 in server.jks,how to config rampart?
>> 2009/11/13 Prabath Siriwardena <prab...@wso2.com>
>> Hope this [1] will help...
>>> Thanks & regards.
>>> -Prabath
>>> [1]:
>>> http://blog.rampartfaq.com/2009/08/orgapachewssecuritywssecurityexception.html
>>> jonah wrote:
>>>> Hi Isuru ,
>>>> *I runed all sample,but none of them was successful.*
>>>> *The error message of ant client.02 was just like ant client.01*
>>>> *The error message of ant client.03 was like following:*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> client.03:
>>>>     [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>> D:\rampart-dist-1.4-bin\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\client_repositories\sample03\modules
>>>>     [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>> D:\rampart-dist-1.4-bin\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\client_repositories\sample03\modules
>>>>     [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>> D:\rampart-dist-1.4-bin\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\temp_client
>>>>     [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>> D:\rampart-dist-1.4-bin\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\temp_client
>>>>     [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>>>> (org.apache.axis2.deployment.FileSystemConfigurator).
>>>>     [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
>>>>     [java] Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Error
>>>> during encryption
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartSender.invoke(RampartSender.java:70)
>>>>     [java]     at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:318)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:251)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send(AxisEngine.java:416)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(OutInAxisOperation.java:402)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:229)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:165)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:539)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:520)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.samples.policy.sample03.Client.main(Unknown Source)
>>>>     [java] Caused by: org.apache.rampart.RampartException: Error during
>>>> encryption
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.builder.AsymmetricBindingBuilder.doSignBeforeEncrypt(AsymmetricBindingBuilder.java:544)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.builder.AsymmetricBindingBuilder.build(AsymmetricBindingBuilder.java:93)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.MessageBuilder.build(MessageBuilder.java:147)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartSender.invoke(RampartSender.java:64)
>>>>     [java]     ... 9 more
>>>>     [java] Caused by: org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: An
>>>> unsupported signature or encryption algorithm was used (unsupported key
>>>> transport encrypti
>>>> on algorithm: No such algorithm:
>>>> http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.ws.security.util.WSSecurityUtil.getCipherInstance(WSSecurityUtil.java:689)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.ws.security.message.WSSecEncryptedKey.prepareInternal(WSSecEncryptedKey.java:195)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.ws.security.message.WSSecEncrypt.prepare(WSSecEncrypt.java:260)
>>>>     [java]     at
>>>> org.apache.rampart.builder.AsymmetricBindingBuilder.doSignBeforeEncrypt(AsymmetricBindingBuilder.java:510)
>>>>     [java]     ... 12 more
>>>>     [java] Java Result: 1
>>>> Total time: 17 seconds
>>>> What should I do?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> 2009/11/13 Isuru Suriarachchi <isur...@gmail.com <mailto:
>>>> isur...@gmail.com>>
>>>>    Hi Jonah,
>>>>    I think this doesn't work because this first sample is a Username
>>>>    Token scenario and it doesn't work with HTTP transport. These
>>>>    samples use the simple Axis2 server and it only supports HTTP. But
>>>>    UT needs HTTPS.
>>>>    This transport check at the Rampart server side was added recently
>>>>    and it seems like the sample is not updated yet. This is a bug.
>>>>    Try running other samples 2,3 etc.. Those should work I think..
>>>>    Thanks,
>>>>    ~Isuru
>>>>    On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 8:18 PM, jonah <liu.jo...@gmail.com
>>>>    <mailto:liu.jo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>        Hi,I am using rampart-1.4 in axis2-1.5.1.
>>>>                I installed rampart-1.4 according to Rampart Quick Start
>>>> Guide
>>>>        document.
>>>>                I started service by using >ant service.01
>>>>        When I caledl client by using ant client.01
>>>>        I got the output like following:
>>>>                *D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy>ant client.01
>>>>        Buildfile: build.xml*
>>>>        *check.dependency:*
>>>>        *client.01:
>>>>            [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\client_r
>>>>        epositories\sample01
>>>>            [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\client_r
>>>>        epositories\sample01\conf
>>>>            [mkdir] Created dir:
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\client_r
>>>>        epositories\sample01\modules
>>>>             [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\cli
>>>>        ent_repositories\sample01\modules
>>>>             [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\cli
>>>>        ent_repositories\sample01\modules
>>>>            [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy
>>>>        \build\temp_client
>>>>             [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\tem
>>>>        p_client
>>>>             [copy] Copying 1 file to
>>>>        D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy\build\tem
>>>>        p_client
>>>>             [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>>>>        (org.apache.axis2.
>>>>        deployment.FileSystemConfigurator).
>>>>             [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system
>>>>        properly.
>>>>             [java] Exception in thread "main"
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Missing wsse:
>>>>        Security header in request
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartReceiver.setFaultCodeAndThr
>>>>        owAxisFault(RampartReceiver.java:166)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartReceiver.invoke(RampartRece
>>>>        iver.java:99)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:318)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:251
>>>>        )
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(AxisEngine.java:16
>>>>        0)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.handleR
>>>>        esponse(OutInAxisOperation.java:364)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(Ou
>>>>        tInAxisOperation.java:417)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execute
>>>>        Impl(OutInAxisOperation.java:229)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClie
>>>>        nt.java:165)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClie
>>>>        nt.java:540)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClie
>>>>        nt.java:521)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.rampart.samples.policy.sample01.Client.main(Unknow
>>>>        n Source)
>>>>             [java] Caused by: org.apache.rampart.RampartException:
>>>>        Missing wsse:Securit
>>>>        y header in request
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.rampart.RampartEngine.process(RampartEngine.java:1
>>>>        17)
>>>>             [java]     at
>>>>        org.apache.rampart.handler.RampartReceiver.invoke(RampartRece
>>>>        iver.java:92)
>>>>             [java]     ... 10 more
>>>>             [java] Java Result: 1*
>>>>        Total time: 5 seconds*
>>>>        *D:\webService\rampart-1.4\samples\policy>*
>>>>                        *And ,the  webservice server side had no output.*
>>>>                        *What should I do to correct the problem.*
>>>>                *Thanks a lot.*
>>>>    --    Senior Software Engineer,
>>>>    WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.org/
>>>>    Blog : http://isurues.wordpress.com/

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