  I'm trying to get binary data in response like this:

DataSource fileContent = getFileContent();
DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(fileContent);

and in my DataSource implementation I'm just returning InputStream
(simplified ;-)):

public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    return getUrlContent(url);  // this doesnt work
    // return new ByteArrayInputStream("short
text".getBytes("UTF-8"));    // this works

getUrlContent works - it returns content of specified url. When I try
to return just short text, everything works ok. but when I try to send
something bigger, I get following error message:

Binary data detected! Click 'DOWNLOAD BINARY FILE NOW' button to download file.
Be careful what you download. If the file contains a virus, you will
infect your machine!!
HIT 'BACK' when done.

How can I handle with this?

Thanks in advance, Vaclav Balak

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