Good morning,

It appears my lack of being immersed in AXIS2 means nothing works quite
how I expect it to.  From a recent email on a different topic it sounds
like I need to set useOriginalwsdl in a services.xml file in my META-INF
directory for AXIS2 (1.3) to actually use the WSDL I was given.

Or perhaps part of the problem is that the WSDL is in META-INF/wsdl/ and
isn't where AXIS2 expects it to be?

Anyways, MyEclipse never generated a services.xml file.  In fact I'm just
deploying a WAR (what's an AAR?) which seems to be working but may be
confusing matters, what with combining JAX-WS and AXIS2.

The couple of brief examples of services.xml files I've found look to
recreate the basic definitions in the WSDL file, so I'm here in part to
ask for any good references to hand-crafting services.xml files -
primarily about what I need to include so the whole thing still works. 
Or... with my setup will it even try to read the services.xml file since
the basic web services have worked so far (just not successfully with
complex types)?

So is the XML at the end of this a complete services.xml file where the
WSDL has a line:
    <wsdl:operation name="Foo">
and that service has types defined for the input and output?  Or do I need
to bring more of the WSDL into it?



--- services.xml? ---
  <service name="Foo"> </service>
  <service name="Foo" scope="application">
    <parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter>

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