The source of solution was:

The solution is to set up the following properties for the JVM:<fully qualified path to keystore file><type of keystore, i.e, JKS><keystore password><fully qualified path to truststore file><type of truststore, i.e, JKS><truststore password><provider, i.e. JSSE>

This is basically the same as depicted by Thilina Mahesh Buddhika: It 
can be achieved either ny using the -Dpropname=propvalue pattern on the 
command line, by setting appropriate JVM startup properties using the 
administration interface of your choice or by explicitly setting that in 
the Java code.

Using system properties for the JVM may be more useful since this way it 
is guaranteed that the values are present from the time the JVM starts. 
This is difficult to achieve with explicit Java in a J2EE environment. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Gosch
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:46 PM
> To: axis-user
> Subject: How to configure SSL key store / trust store location to use 
> AXIS2 1.4.1 as SOAP/ssl client?
> Hi,
> how can I configure which SSL key store & trust store is used when 
> 1.4.1 is the first running code requesting a SSL connection as a SOAP
> client in a given 1.4 JVM?
> Problem:
> IBM WebSphere 6.0 (JDK/JRE 1.4.2) uses a defaultSSLSocketFactory which
> is a singleton and once it's initialized with some particular value,
> it'll be reused. (info from IBM L3)
> If nothing special is said about what to do how, AXIS2 1.4.1 simply
> requests .../java/jre/lib/security/cacerts as key store & trust store
> file. This is fatal if later (other) SOAP clients require key pairs 
> present in this JVM default store.
> Is there some way to tell AXIS2 1.4.1 to request another file for key
> store / trust store?
> Are there some JVM properties which can be used?
> Is there any possibility to achieve that via the magic Options object?
> Can this be achieved using the magic axis2.xml configuration file?
> (Again: Where is this file, or where is it looked for, and what is
> allowed to be inside?)
> Desperate,
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Christian Gosch, PMI PMP
> Systems Architecture, Project Management
> inovex GmbH
> Büro Pforzheim
> Karlsruher Strasse 71
> D-75179 Pforzheim
> Tel: +49 (0)7231 3191-85
> Fax: +49 (0)7231 3191-91
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Pforzheim
> AG Mannheim, HRB 502126
> Geschäftsführer: Stephan Müller
> !DSPAM:4b1ff09b326661456082889!

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