
What you have are no errors, but warnings: One of the most popular logging 
frameworks for java is log4j.
Axis use it for logging purposes. Log4j calls in axis code are generating the 
warning because it is unable to start, it needs a configuration file. 

The log4j configuration file is log4.properties, you must but it somewhere your 
class loader can find it, in tomcat may be WEB-INF/classes.

Good luck

----- "Karthik Nanjangude" <karthik.nanjang...@xius-bcgi.com> escribió:

> Hi
> Sorry new to AXIS new guy L
> Have Questions
> SPEC : AXIS215
> JDK 1.5
> TOMCAT 6.0.20
> O/s Windows 2000
> Server / Client : Same System
> 1) Deployed the Pojo example “sample.pojo.data.Weather,
> sample.pojo.data.WeatherService with Service .xml
> And for the URL
> “ able to
> get the XML detail on the browser
> >> <wsdl:binding name="WeatherServiceHttpBinding"
> type="ns:WeatherServicePortType">
> >> <http:binding verb="POST"/>
> >> <wsdl:operation name="setWeather">
> >> <http:operation location="WeatherService/setWeather"/>
> >> <wsdl:input>
> >> <mime:content type="text/xml" part="setWeather"/>
> >> </wsdl:input>
> >> </wsdl:operation>
> >> <wsdl:operation name="getWeather">
> >> <http:operation location="WeatherService/getWeather"/>
> >> <wsdl:input>
> >> <mime:content type="text/xml" part="getWeather"/>
> >> </wsdl:input>
> >> <wsdl:output>
> >> <mime:content type="text/xml" part="getWeather"/>
> >> </wsdl:output>
> >> </wsdl:operation>
> 2) When I run the “sample.pojo.data.WeatherRPCClient” with end Point
> declared as per the example on Axis web site
> EndpointReference targetEPR = new
> EndpointReference("";);
> I get this error ?
> >>log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
> (org.apache.axis2.util.Loader).
> >>log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> >>Weather didn't initialize!
> As per the code did some thing go wrong
> With regards
> Karthik

Hans Poo, WeLinux S.A. http://www.welinux.cl
Oficina: 697.25.42, Celular: 09-319.93.05
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