Good Evening Gilbert 

In the other apache projects we've registered listeners to predefined RIA 
events such as ContainerStart,SessionStart,SessionEnd..I would be very 
interested to know if this registration process for known RIA events is 
supported by WS-Eventing or is there some other algorithm implmenented to 
register the events and/or configure a custom dispatcher to dispatch to the 
correct listener

Martin Gainty 
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Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 16:26:24 -0800
Subject: Re: WS-Eventing


If you are interested in WS-Eventing, you might
want to keep an eye on what is going on at the W3C Web Services
Resource Access Working Group [1] which is working on standardizing
(among other things) WS-Eventing.


Gilbert Pilz | Standards Architect | Middleware Standards | Oracle

On 12/23/2009 12:46 PM, Prabath Siriwardena wrote:
have a look at [1].


Thanks & regards.





Yashvant chauhan wrote:

  How I can develope a WS-Eventing in Axis2






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