I mistakenly sent this request to the Rampart list last time.  Hopefully this 
list is the correct one.

The first issue I have is with Web service initialization using AXIS2.  We have 
an eventing service which keeps persistent data on events serialized to disc.  
We do this because our events are stateful in a sense -- they have a status and 
can be modified over time, meaning that the same event can be sent out multiple 
times with updated information.

The problem we are running into is that the Web service code is never unless a 
client request is made to the service to either subscribe or poll for events.  
This means that until a request is made, clients that consume events in the 
push model rather than the pull model won't receive events until a client that 
receives events through the pull model makes a request because the data and 
processes needed for this activity won't start until that time.

Another reason is for persistency in case the server goes down.  Since the 
eventing service saves persistent events on the service side in case the events 
did not send to cell or events did not retrieved by the clients. If the 
eventing service restarts, it should load the events and attempted to send to 
cell without a dependency on receiving a request from a client.

The second issue I have is that I need to be able to customize my endpoint 
address in Axis2 running in the WAR distribution on Tomcat.  I know that I can 
change the "contextRoot" root property without changing the corresponding 
property in the axis2.xml file in the WEB-INF/conf directory because Tomcat 
treats the context root as the name of the directory in its "webapps" directory 
instead.  However, I also need to change the "servicePath" property to be 
"server" instead of "services".  The reason for this is that we are translating 
an entrenched legacy Web service from another Web service stack to Axis2, and 
several customers have integrated with that Web service using a hardcoded path 
that fits the previous Web service stack's convention for forming endpoints.

The problem is that when I change the axis2.xml file's "servicePath" property, 
it only seems to affect the main services page's links to the WSDL files of 
each service.  Those links are broken, because though they are listed as 
"server" as I specified, the Web services and WSDL files are still only 
accessible from the address when "services" is the "servicePath" in the 
endpoints, not "server".

Is this a bug?  Is there any way to fix this so that we can make this work for 
a whole set of customers without requiring them to recode?

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