Hi All

I am still running into problems with this.  I previously moved all the jars I 
needed into the WEB-INF/lib directory and was able to continue working. But as 
I add more services (more .aar files) I am now running into strange 
unpredictable differences that I do not understand.

For example, I have two services packaged in their own .aar files and if 
deployed independently they run just fine. Simply deploying both together 
causes the second one loaded to have mysterious problems like a 
java.sql.SQLException "no suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver://.." when 
the sql3jdbc jar file is in both the .aar and WEB-INF/lib directory and (and as 
I said works fine standalone).

Does anyone have any advice on how to get my services to run together happily? 
Assume I am not concerned with isolating each service from each other in terms 
of security.  I read on Amila's blog that some class loading settings can be 
modified but it's not clear exactly what ramifications it will have or if it 
will even help my problems.

I am not sure if this is causing my problems, but due to wanting to be able to 
override the properties file in the .aar file when deployed in different 
environments, in the service lifecycle init method I attempt to find the 
properties file in the axis classpath before trying the .arr, using first


and if not found then using


Could this be messing up the class loading sequence, and if yes, how can I 
achieve the same effect without using the axis class loader first?


On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:29 PM, Charles Galpin wrote:

> Hi Sameera
> Ok, this is starting to make a little more sense. I was not aware the 
> WebappClassLoader could not see classes in the .aar. Can this be changed?
> I have access to the source of the client.corba.* packages, but they are just 
> calling org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init which is doing the class loading and thats 
> from rt.jar in the java distro afaik. The ORB loaded is a configurable option 
> which is why it uses the class loader.
> Here is another exception stack you may find useful. I had run into this 
> problem as well as various other classes not loading a while ago and made a 
> few changes until getting my service working, and one of them was to pass 
> -Djava.library.path="%PATH%;blahblah" in on the commandline when starting 
> tomcat. Removing this changes the error to a perhaps little more revealing 
> message (after understanding about the TCCL limitation)
> 13:38:58 ERROR- Error initializing CORBA ORB. Unexpected CORBA error. 
> org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate default ORB implementation 
> org.jacorb.orb.ORB  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
> 13:38:58 DEBUG- Stack trace: org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE: can't instantiate 
> default ORB implementation org.jacorb.orb.ORB  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  
> completed: No
>         at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.create_impl(ORB.java:297)
>         at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(ORB.java:336)
>         at client.corba.BaseCORBAApp.initCORBA(BaseCORBAApp.java:134)
>         at 
> client.corba.BaseCORBAService.startService(BaseCORBAService.java:100)
>         at 
> client.project.dcol.publish.corba.WebServiceDataCollectionService.webInit(WebServiceDataCollectionService.java:170)
>         at 
> client.project.dcol.GDPI.ServiceBase$ServiceThread.run(ServiceBase.java:318)
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jacorb.orb.ORB
>         at 
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1387)
>         at 
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1233)
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:320)
>         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>         at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:247)
>         at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.create_impl(ORB.java:295)
>         ... 6 more
> 13:38:58 ERROR- Aborted due to startup failure.
> Aborted due to startup failure: Error initializing CORBA ORB. Unexpected 
> CORBA error.
> Is there any other way to work around this other than putting the libraries 
> in the axis2/WEB-INF/lib directory? To be clear I have other problems beside 
> this. A good example is we have a custom log4j appender we use which is in 
> Shared.jar. This cannot be found either unless it's in axis2/WEB-INF/lib but 
> your description explains that one too.
> thanks,
> charles
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:28 PM, Sameera Jayasoma wrote:
>> Hi Charles
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Charles Galpin <cgal...@lhsw.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sameera
>> Yes this is what is happening and what is expected. The 
>> org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidGrammar class is in jacorb.jar which is in 
>> the .aar lib directory. What am I missing? Are you saying it should not be 
>> in the thread context class loader?
>> The class BaseCORBAApp is trying to loadInvalidGrammar class from the TCCL 
>> and in this scenario TCCL is set to the WebappClassLoader. Classes in your 
>> aar lib folder cannot be seen by the WebappClassLoader. It can only see the 
>> classes in axis2/WEB-INF/lib folder or in the application classpath 
>> tomcat/lib. That is things work nicely when you put jacob.jar to 
>> axis2/WEB-INF/lib.
>> Do you have access to sources of the classes in client.corba.* packages.
>> Thanks
>> sameera
>> On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:47 PM, Sameera Jayasoma wrote:
>> > It seems that "BaseCORBAApp" class is trying to load 
>> > "org.omg.CosNotifyFilter.InvalidGrammar" from the thread context class 
>> > loader. That is why you see following lines in the exception log.
>> >
>> >  at 
>> > org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1387)
>> >  at 
>> > org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1233)
>> >
>> >  This is a usual practice of loading application libraries. If you have 
>> > access to the source code of client.corba classes, you can verify this.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Sameera
>> Thanks Olindo, but the first error (see the bottom of the trace) is 
>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException which I believe is the root cause. I have 
>> checked and jacorb.jar is not in the path or classpath.
>> On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Olindo Pindaro wrote:
>> > The exception  isn't "ClassNotFound" but "NoClassDefFoundError", that in 
>> > my experience is caused by conflit in differente version of library 
>> > present in compiler path and classloaderpath.
>> thanks,
>> charles
>> -- 
>> Sameera Jayasoma
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.
>> Oxygenating the Web Service Platform.
>> http://wso2.org/
>> blog: http://tech.jayasoma.org

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